
Storm Drain Mural Pilot Program a Success - Thanks to amazing artists and involved neighbors!

In March of this year the Santa Cruz Arts Commission approved three storm drain mural designs for installation in neighborhoods along the San Lorenzo River at Beach Flats Park, the end of Felker Street and the end of Pryce Street. The goal of this program is to raise awareness that these drains flow directly into the San Lorenzo River and to inspire stewardship of the drains and the River through meaningful neighborhood engagement and beautiful artwork.

The Storm Drain Mural Program is a collaboration between the City of Santa Cruz and the Coastal Watershed Council (CWC) and grew out of discussions with the City’s Public Works Department, which determined that many of the storm drains along the San Lorenzo River are magnets for trash and other pollution. The water going into these drains flows directly into the San Lorenzo River and impacts River health and the creatures living in the San Lorenzo River ecosystem.

The City helped fund the murals and Coastal Watershed Council staff conducted outreach in the neighborhoods with the artists.

Storm Drain Mural Pilot Program

Santa Cruz trolley officially retires Labor Day 2019